Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Jessie is going to Hungary

Hello All-

Well first off, this has been an amazing week. I have recently moved home from UNC-Wilmington and have started to get my life in order as far as getting my room back situated, getting use to not living on my own and trying to get my job situated...etc. It has been a very exciting week for me.

The whole story begins with me going to the Ukraine this Summer through the North Carolina Baptist Aid. What an amazing story to be told about that trip. My heart went out to the people who lived in Muncaks. Everyday since I have returned, I have thought about those people and wanted to soon return to help with their ministry.

On Monday I got an amazing phone call from Bela (the ceo of Hungarian Baptist Aid) Bela approached me with an offer that I would go to a city that is about 20 minutes from Budapest, Hungary and be teaching in a Primary school. Well first off, I am not a teacher and this frightened me. Although, it was frightening... I felt that it was something that the Lord was calling me to do. Who would have thought...just a week later I would seriously be taking off on a plane to Hungary...where I would spend the next 3 months of my life. The Lord has seriously made every avenue in my life turn out positive so that I could go on this trip. Through Prayer, discussing this with NC Baptist Aid and my parents I have decided to go and follow the pathway that Jesus has laid out before me.

I know that it is going to be a struggle as I have to adjust to everyone speaking another language, unfamiliar territory and seeking God's Will. I need the prayers to begin now... but, I already know that they have begun!

I want to keep this BLOG as I am there...hopefully, showing pictures and stories of my journey. Hopefully, this will be able to communicate to those that I have left in the States and away to keep you updated on how God is changing my life.

My email address is Please feel free to email me at any time... It will be nice to have encouraging emails and such from those that I miss. I will have internet there and am thankfully going to have a mobile phone.

Thanks for all of your support and prayers.

I will be blogging soon (my plane leaves on Tuesday!!!)

Love Always,

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