Friday, September 18, 2009

Rough Spots in the Road...

If there is one thing I know about myself, I can say that I am either completely OK with my surroundings or I am terrified. Now, personally I feel like when there are situations that you are not use to and it starts eating away with you... then it's probably the Devil just trying to get at you. Well last night, he was def trying to get me to run away from this mission trip. I mean I was buried deeply into his hole and sand was covering me quickly. Thankfully, I did not give in (...completely).

Last night I all of a sudden became afraid of everything that was around me. The back door, the sound of the heater humming, doors creaking, the sound of cars and the lights that were flashing outside my window. I posted something on my facebook wall and I got quite a few responses. Some of them scripture that made me stop and think.. why was I acting this way? I wanted to put them on my blog, for future reference (for myself) or for anyone else that may be dealing with the same things that I am right now. We never know where people are in their lives. I could be dealing with fear while I am in Hungary and my neighbor could be dealing with the fear of bills piling up on their table. Either way, I thought I would like to share these!

-"You will be secure, because there is hope; you will look about you and take your rest in safety" Job 11:18

-'Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go'. (Including Hungary). Josh 1:9

Tonight, it is 10:15 here and I have not been scared one wink! Thank you for the prayers that went out to relieve my fears, they worked!

So, for today... I was picked up at the apartment and taken to a Hungarian style Restaurant in a town called Székesfehérvár. It was wonderful! I had fried cheese and a salad with Italian dressing! Not a lot of you know the plans for me here because neither do i honestly. I have come and am taking it day by day. Today, I found out that the school that I will be teaching at his building a brand new school. I was able to visit today...and ohh, what fabulous work they have done. The school is huge and will be able to fit so many more students in it. It has 4 English classrooms now opposed to their one small classroom now. Later, I was able to meet my colleagues and 3 of them spoke English so well. I felt so much more at ease after speaking to them and allowing myself to get to know these people and share pictures, stories, memories with them. They allowed me to step into their life today, but at the same time, they stepped into mine. Every single one of them asked me, "What is it like in America?" At one time I was asked, "If New York City does not describe America, then what does?" Honestly, I had to sit there and think about this question. What really does describe America? Is it our TVs, Internet, the rush to work and rush back home atmosphere, our homework, our plans. Seriously, these people are inspired by us? But why? I sat back today and I thought... look at these people wishing to see and be like America...and all I could think of was.. I wish I could be a little more like these Hungarians.

Well I'm gonna go to bed now. It's 10:50 at night and I'm tired.... and I am able to sleep tonight!

God Bless and see you soon!

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