Wednesday, September 16, 2009

"It's suppose to be Raining here..."

Did you know that in September , it normally rains all month long in Hungary? Well, today my guide David told me that in September it normally rains all month long and that it is also cold outside. Today, the temp. was perfect.... just like a perfect summer day! So maybe, I do not need those rain boots that I could not pack (because of weight limits) anyway! I'm sure the summer days will soon drift away, but it is nice to dream!

Well.. I got off the airplane this morning around 11:00 AM. I went to retrieve my baggage and it took almost an hour to get my bags. I still had not got nervous on the whole trip. On the way out of the baggage claim (where I would meet the person that was picking me up, which I had no clue!) I began to panic a little. Foreign country, different language, what would i do? I'm sure that I am working myself up for nothing! Sure was, there was a man holding a sign that said, "JESSICA GARNER". It was pretty cool, never seen one of those before (well for me at least!). David from Hungarian Baptist Aid picked me up. The first stop that we made was at the HBA building, where I met a lot of wonderful people. I stayed there and ate lunch.

David then told me it was time to go visit Monika, who would be my boss while I am here. We met Monika at my apartment (which the photos have already been put on here!) Very sweet ladies. Sandor and his family invited me to eat dinner with them tonight! PIZZA at that! :) Very exciting and VERY Yummy!

I guess my biggest prayer request at this time is for me to not be scared while staying in this apartment by myself at night. I have really not been scared at all. Although, any noises that could happen at night ...well, could change that.

Tomorrow I will be meeting with Monika to see what my tasks will be at the school and get my schedule. Pray for me to have a good nights sleep and not be scared of sleeping here by myself.

Until next time,

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